Friday, January 25, 2013

Parasite of the Womb

I warned you that as a teacher, you would only get sporadic updates...

So much has happened in the last few months.  Did you see that awesome bench project I posted about????  Yeah, that was the last productive thing I did all summer!  Mostly because out of nowhere I was just TIRED all the time!  After a couple weeks of feeling like too tired to do anything, I found out that I was pregnant!!!

This pregnancy has been interesting to say the least!  I don't know what they are supposed to be like, so maybe this is normal.  All I can say is that I truly am grateful for this baby!  Even though I had morning sickness until week 22 and occasionally still have it, at least that means my hormones are good right?!  Even though I haven't been able to sleep through the night in over 4 months, that means this growth is good right?! Even though I have so much back pain that it hurts to breath and she likes doing cannon balls in my womb, that means she is active and healthy right?!  Even though I am an emotional basket case who cries over nothing that means I'm a healthy pregnant woman, right?!  And even though I am sooooo tired I can barely function, that means she is getting all my energy right?!

In all honesty, Pregnancy is hard!  Making a human is tiring!  But then I think about being a mommy!  I think about holding this little spit-fire baby in my arms as I rock her to sleep.  I think about having a child who wants ME when she is not feeling good.  I think of a little girl going with ME to mother-daughter activities.  I think going to parent teacher conferences as the PARENT!  I think of her fighting with ME as a teen...and then I think back to that cute baby image and move on!  And I think, "this is really it!  I am going to be a MOM!"  I feel like being an aunt, a sister, a missionary, and a teacher have just been little glimpses into what I am about to embark on.  I love this baby!  She is a dream come true!  I get to be her pressure!

I still have a few weeks left in this pregnancy (6).  There is so much to do that I am ok with the idea that I have 6 weeks.  However, this is starting to feel real!  I talk to her and she moves.  Her dad comes home from work and she does this kicking thing in my ribs that she never does any other time.  I read to her and she calms down.  I play her music and she wiggles what I think is either her knee or her bum.  I am so excited to meet her!

As a separate tangent, I am soooo grateful for my AMAZING husband!  John has been my support through all of this.  He gets me to laugh even when I don't want to.  He tells me I'm beautiful even when I feel fat and ugly...and you know what, I think he means it!  He wakes up in the middle of the night when I stir to make sure I am ok.  He runs upstairs and downstairs all the time to fetch things I have forgotten.  He listens to me talk WAY too much about this baby and not enough about us.  I could not have asked for a better support through this pregnancy!  And I am so excited for him to be a daddy!  When we started dating, it was not uncommon for us to speak about our future families...not realizing that it would be our future family.  I knew then that he was going to be a great father!  That is part of the reason why I loved him so much so quickly.  He is not sappy or sentimental, but there is a look he gets on his face when he rubs my tummy and says "There's a baaaabbbyyyy!" that melts my heart and makes me excited for him to be her dad.

Well, wish me luck in the next 2 months!  It will truly be life changing!  Who knows when I will post more, hopefully before her 1st birthday!


  1. thanks for the great laugh then cry. I am so excited for you , and all the amazing things you will exsperience in the next few decades lol... I love you Katie,i hope your lil sunshine is as amazing as you.

  2. Awww. Even if you don't write anything, you'd better post LOTS of pictures of that lucky baby!

    Donna Wright
