Our Story

Boy meets girl...girl goes back to AZ...boy calls girl--A LOT...girl runs back to CA...boy proposes to girl...girl drags boy back to AZ...boy marries girl...

That's basically our story, but for those of you who want some more details continue reading...

On June 16, 2011 I was in San Luis Obispo, CA visiting my parents.  My dad had to teach a class at the LDS Institute of Religion that night in Santa Maria, CA.  I decided to join my mom in going to the class, however, I had been at the beach all day and was GROSS!  I had no desire to actually socialize, I just wanted to go support my daddy.  I walked in, and sure enough there was only 1 seat open.  My thought was, "oh great, it's next to a boy!"  I walked over, asked if I could sit there and sat down.  Throughout the class, there were a couple group activities where John and I were able to have some solid conversations and afterward, we discovered that we both served our missions in Virginia!  I was supposed to leave that next morning, but with this change in events I decided to stay until at least Father's Day (that Sunday).

The next day, I went with my dad to Santa Maria's Fake Prom to "help my dad with the food".  It was there that I was occasionally able to sneak a few conversations with John (he was on a date with a different girl).  It was there that I met Katy and Brandy Gardner (my now-sisters) and was able to get in good with them.  At the end of the night I confessed my true motives for staying in town and they got to work on setting me up with John for the next day.

Saturday morning I got a call from John.  He asked if I wanted to meet up with some of his friends for lunch and then we would go out on a quick date.  I could tell he was hesitant, so I was pretty guarded going into this. I met them at the Institute, where we ate pizza and cookies and then cleaned up from the dance the night before.  Afterwards, a large group of us played Phase 10...I won :), but more importantly, I got to know some of John's friends and they were welcoming and friendly!  I really liked them.

After that, John took me to the beach where we hiked and talked and then sat and talked.  The time flowed pretty naturally and we had a lot of great conversations.  Then we went to leave and he asked if I wanted to come to a game night at his house that night...that had started 1 hour before (we lost track of time).  We went to his house and sat and talked while his friends played some Zombie game.  When I got home, my parents inquired as to how it had gone.  I honestly thought that John had just been a good sport.  He even told me on the date that he was notorious for not calling girls after dates and that since I didn't live there, we probably wouldn't go out again.  I was grateful to have a fun experience while in CA.

The next day, I got to go to church with John but we didn't get to talk really.  Later that night, John called and we talked on the phone for over an hour.  He asked if he could see me before I left the next morning.  I was a little...well...shocked and FLOORED!!!  I didn't get much sleep that night and was able to get up early and pack and load the car before he got there.  He came, we went for a walk, and then had breakfast on my parents front porch.

That was the awkward moment when my sister popped out and started snapping pictures.  I was completely embarrassed back then, but grateful now to have the documentation.

Well, the time came for me to leave to go back to AZ, and I said my goodbyes to everyone-including John.  He gave me a great hug and I said, "you could call or text if you want to..."  and he responded "we'll see".

The next month was one filled with lots of emotions.  I bought a house during that time, went on a road trip or two, and in the midst of this John and I spoke all but 1 day in that time.  We were very grateful that we both were on Verizon!  Our shortest conversation was 2.5 hours long.  It was during that time that we REALLY got to know each other.  I was a little apprehensive throughout that whole time and had convinced myself that he wasn't really interested but that he was just being nice.

By the time I came back to CA (July 14), I knew that I loved this guy, and I was hoping that by the end of my 2 week vacation that I might have a boyfriend.  I got into town on a Thursday and I got to spend a couple hours hanging out with him.  He had asked me out for an Institute Murder Mystery Dinner Theater that next night.  So he came up to SLO, and we spent the day walking all around Downtown SLO.  We then came back to my parents and played games with my nieces, changed and went to the activity.  I was just so glad to get to spend so much time with him!

That night, he came to drop me off and we went for a walk.  We found a little bench and sat and talked.  As we sat and talked, he held my hand for the first time.  Then he told me, "So I think I like you."  To which I responded "I like you too".  This happened a couple more times.  Then he said, "So I think I really like you."  I told him "I think I more than like you."  Later that night, he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him too!  In the midst of the night, he turned to me and said, "So we should get married?!"  I asked if it was a proposal or if it was a topic of discussion and then said, "ok".  The rest of our time is kind of a whirlwind!
Saturday, he asked my dad for my hand.  Sunday I met the family (they didn't know).  Monday we went ring shopping.  Tuesday, he ordered the ring.  Wednesday we went down to the LA Temple together.  Thursday we finally told his parents.  That was funny--we sat there awkwardly until Mom Gardner asked when we were getting married, we said October and she smiled!  Friday we had a great time at my family reunion.  Saturday John took me to Montana De Oro beach and purposed!  Sunday we spent time with family.  Monday we went shopping for his suit and found it!

 Tuesday I went dress shopping and found my gown! 

  Wednesday we took our engagement pictures at the scene of the crime-Montana De Oro.

 Thursday we registered at Target, and Friday we took the day off from wedding stuff.  Saturday I drove home.  In September John came to visit me in AZ for about a week.  And then in October he moved here a week before the wedding!  And you know what, we couldn't be happier!

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